Saturday, June 29, 2024

Before Johnstown PA celebrated Memorial Day, Waterloo NY had begun the tradition on May 5, 1866

Today I resume posting about David McCullough’s book, The Johnstown Flood. I had to take a few days off because of other demands upon my time.

First, there is this: On Thursday, May 30, 1889, the day before the devastating flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the people of the town celebrated Memorial Day with festivities, a parade, and cemetery visits. 

Hmm. I read that tidbit in McCullough’s book, but then stopped to wonder about the day and date. After all, Memorial Day is always a Monday. Right? Well, not exactly. I’ve included some of the history below:


Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2024 occurred on Monday, May 27. 

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The February 1966 issue of American Heritage, author David McCullough, and the Johnstown Flood

David McCullough recalled the moments that got him started “in the history business.” In 1965, he came across a spectacular photograph of the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty. Showing it to the editors of American Heritage, he was invited to write an article which was published in the February issue the following year as “Hail, Liberty!”

He joined the staff of our magazine and was researching in the Library of Congress when a curator pointed out a collection of photographs of the Johnstown Flood the research center had just acquired. In that disaster in 1889, an earthen dam failed and sent a mass of water downriver that crushed buildings and killed 2,209 people.

“I grew up in that part of Pennsylvania and had heard about the Johnstown flood all my life,” McCullough later recalled. “I knew that a dam had broken, but, beyond that, I didn't know anything. I was astounded by the violence of what had happened and the drama of it.”

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Friday, June 21, 2024

God bless that wonderful librarian in New York City who helped David McCullough with his early research

When David McCullough was in the very early stages of doing research for what would become his first book, the superb story of the Johnstown Flood, a very helpful librarian at the New York Public Library — God bless all librarians — suggested McCullough consult the DAB. Swallowing his pride, the inexperienced researcher said to the librarian, “What is the DAB?” The librarian showed McCullough where to find the multi-volume Dictionary of American Biography. The more than twenty books were on the shelf beside where McCullough had been sitting. From that point, McCullough’s research intensified. The rest is history.

Here is the brief Wikipedia article about the DAB

The Dictionary of American Biography (DAB) was a multi-volume dictionary published in New York City by Charles Scribner's Sonsunder the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Getting things started with a book review

Blogger’s Note — Before I begin sharing tidbits from the book, I’d like to share the following book review. However, there is this disclaimer: if I had been the reviewer’s editor, I would have insisted on quite a few revisions. Indeed, if I were still teaching English composition, I would give the reviewer only a B minus. Nevertheless, I offer you the review because of its fairly accurate substance rather than the reviewer’s writing abilities. Moreover, the review might motivate you to read the book.

David McCullough’s The Johnstown Flood is a gripping and meticulously researched account of one of the most devastating natural disasters in American history. The book delves into the events leading up to the flood, as well as the immediate aftermath and long-term consequences.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Once upon a time there was a great flood

First, there is this brief article from Wikipedia:

The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating Disasters America Has Ever Known is a 1968 book written by popular historian David McCullough about the Great Flood of 1889 which devastated the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. For this, his first book, McCullough spent time speaking with individuals who lived through the flood on top of his other research in preparation for writing. Upon its publication The Johnstown Flood rekindled national interest in the flood and was the catalyst to McCullough's accomplished career. Following the success of his book, McCullough decided to devote his time entirely toward writing.

Second, there is this:

My rereading of David McCullough’s books begins with The Johnstown Flood.  I plan on posting occasional tidbits from the books, and I invite you to visit here often. Comments will be appreciated.